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SafeGuard Profiler Workshop Videos

Published January 05, 2015 under Safeguard Profiler

Find below a YouTube training series on ACM Safeguard Profiler Software, as well as LOPA and SIF information.

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Workshop overview, Safety lifecycle
Features, Advantages
Conceptual, Design, Implementation and Operation phases
SIF optimization, LOPA methodology, Cause-consequence grouping
SIL-ready HAZOP, Risk matrix, Risk graph methodology
Safety Integrity Level, Proof testing, Imperfect testing
PFD roadmap, Failure types, Diagnostic coverage
PFDavg derivation, Test coverage, Safe failure fraction, Hardware fault tolerance
Determining Beta
RBD configuration, SIL V exercise, Beta within RBD
Profiler SRS tables, Profiler familiarization, LOPA example
LOPA loop creation, Applying safeguards, Additional risk reduction, Tolerable risk
LOPA event detail, SIL D detail, Butane sphere example
Event layout, LOPA layout, Calculation overview
Manual solutions: Safety and Asset; Profiler solution
Sub-loop linking, Contingencies overview, Profiler contingencies


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